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Forgot iCloud Password, Do It This Way?

Forgot iCloud Password, Do It This Way?

Are you an iPhone user who has experienced or is currently experiencing an iCloud password forgotten event? Don't worry, don't worry!

Apple and iCloud are like an inseparable pair. iCloud is a service from Apple published since June 6, 2011 that can store your photos, files, notes, passwords, and data securely in the cloud and keep them updated on all devices automatically.

iCloud makes it easy for you to share photos, files, notes, and more with friends and family. You can store your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch using iCloud.

According to Apple's legitimate website, iCloud usually includes an e-mail account and 5 GB of free storage for your data. To get more storage and additional features, you can subscribe to iCloud+.
Because of its important role, many Apple users decide to write their iCloud password well. On the other hand, quite a lot of people sometimes forget their iCloud password and feel ignorant.

Do This If You Forgot iCloud Password!

Don't be afraid if you suddenly forget your iCloud password. Here are easy steps to recover lost or forgotten iCloud password.

Here are some steps to reset iCloud password:

  • Go to page
  • Specify the Forgot Apple ID or Password menu
  • Then enter the Apple ID or e-mail that you use
  • Specify "I need to reset my password"
  • If you can connect your e-mail, specify get an e-mail. If you can't return, specify answers to security questions
  • If you choose the first option, Apple will automatically send a command to your e-mail
  • Click the reset now link to start resetting iCloud account password
  • Then enter the new password for the iCloud account
  • Verify iCloud password using a combination of eight more characters, numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters

How? Apparently not so difficult and confusing right if one day you forget your iCloud password? Make sure not to worry right away, okay! Then do each of the steps above carefully. Happy practicing. (DNR)

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